Willie Lynch Theory
PLEASE READ Pay little attention to the generation of original breaking, but CONCENTRATE ON FUTURE GENERATION. Therefore, if you break theFEMALE mother, she will BREAK the offspring in its early years of development; and when the offspring is old enough to work, she will deliver it up to you, for her normal female protective tendencies will have been lost in the original breaking process. For example, take the case of the wild stud horse, a female horse and an already infant horse and compare the breaking process with two captured nigger males in their natural state, a pregnant nigger woman with her infant offspring. Take the stud horse, break him for limited containment. Completely break the female horse until she becomes very gentle, whereas you or anybody can ride her in her comfort. Breed the mare and the stud until you have the desired offspring. Then, you can turn the stud to freedom until you need him again. Train the female horse whereby she will eat out of your hand, and she will in turn train the infant horse to eat out of your hand, also. When it comes to breaking the uncivilized nigger, use the same process, but vary the degree and step up the pressure, so as to do a complete reversal of the mind. Take the meanest and most restless nigger, strip him of his clothes in front of the remaining male niggers, the female, and the nigger infant, tar and feather him, tie each leg to a different horse faced in opposite directions, set him afire and beat both horses to pull him apart in front of the remaining niggers. The next step is to take a bullwhip and beat the remaining nigger males to the point of death, in front of the female and the infant. Don’t kill him, but PUT THE FEAR OF GOD IN HIM, for he can be useful for future breeding.
Take the female and run a series of tests on her to see if she will submit to your desires willingly. Test her in every way, because she is the most important factor for good economics. If she shows any sign of resistance in submitting completely to your will, do not hesitate to use the bullwhip on her to extract that last bit of [b----] out of her. Take care not to kill her, for in doing so, you spoil good economics. When in complete submission, she will train her offsprings in the early years to submit to labor when they become of age. Understanding is the best thing. Therefore, we shall go deeper into this area of the subject matter concerning what we have produced here in this breaking process of the female nigger. We have reversed the relationship; in her natural uncivilized state, she would have a strong dependency on the uncivilized nigger male, and she would have a limited protective tendency toward her independent male offspring and would raise male offsprings to be dependent like her. Nature had provided for this type of balance. We reversed nature by burning and pulling a civilized nigger apart and bullwhipping the other to the point of death, all in her presence. By her being left alone, unprotected, with the MALE IMAGE DESTROYED, the ordeal caused her to move from her psychologically dependent state to a frozen, independent state. In this frozen, psychological state of independence, she will raise her MALE and female offspring in reversed roles. For FEAR of the young male’s life, she will psychologically train him to be MENTALLY WEAK and DEPENDENT, butPHYSICALLY STRONG. Because she has become psychologically independent, she will train her FEMALE offsprings to be psychologically independent. What have you got? You’ve got the nigger WOMAN OUT FRONT AND THE nigger MAN BEHIND AND SCARED. This is a perfect situation of sound sleep and economics. Before the breaking process, we had to be alertly on guard at all times. Now, we can sleep soundly, for out of frozen fear his woman stands guard for us. He cannot get past her early slave-molding process. He is a good tool, now ready to be tied to the horse at a tender age. By the time a nigger boy reaches the age of sixteen, he is soundly broken in and ready for a long life of sound and efficient work and the reproduction of a unit of good labor force. Continually through the breaking of uncivilized savage niggers, by throwing the nigger female savage into a frozen psychological state of independence, by killing the protective male image, and by creating a submissive dependent mind of the nigger male slave, we have created an orbiting cycle that turns on its own axis forever, unless a phenomenon occurs and re-shifts the position of the male and female slaves. We show what we mean by example. Take the case of the two economic slave units and examine them close.
This was posted as food for thought... Read and comment with your opinions
willie lynch was a fucked individual and whats posted is a taste of what he did if people want to know the truth about the government and things of this nature need to wake up and read BEHOLD A PALE HORSE BY WILLIAM COOPER. he exposed everything about everything open your eyes to the unseen!!! UFDeezz signing off Peace and LOve
damn that was an clever son of a bitch, that sucks because actually his method works and ite lasting like he said in a way that dude is a genious still nothing is forever and people is startin to awake because is our nature to fight for freedom as is our nature to manipulate others.
that was sad the way he treated people,so now let's revise the role back to willie lynch and his kind.
The man was not only clever he was a genius right down to the science very interesting
It is abundantly clear that the thinking of lynch, developed to encourage Slave owners of the day, has had an impact upon many racist of today; those "people" who smile in the face of other ethnic groups, but who carry the bloody dagger of hatred beneth their black cloak of racism. Anyone who thinks lynch was a genius shares to identical hatred for mankind that has caused racial problems among the world's diverse racial groups. As long as that mentality of hate is permitted to exist, mankind is destined to doom.The lynch theory has, even today, has become a way of life, to many people, who are responsible a non- peaceful co-existence of man. A.Williams,II
Mr. Williams,
I fear you have missed the point of the larger picture. This "Willie Lynch System" is being used to enslave the entirety of the planet, red and yellow black and white, not just one color.
In a way, make Willie Lynch's system work by citing differences between men and playing upon them. (Read Willie Lynch's original speech on dividing slaves based on perceived differences)
This technique of causing submission to slavery is obviously in use planet wide, albeit not always in such a harsh light. Every male on almost every t.v. commercial is humiliated, made to look like a fool by his wife and children (and is redeemed by buying a product)It is the castration of the family leader.
The news media is focusing on racial differences rather than putting them aside. I do not deny the exististance of racism, but rather feel it is one of the final red herrings we humans focus on rather than true brotherhood. We are ALL slaves on a global plantation.
The man who is most hopelessly enslaved is the one who believes he is free.
In human brotherhood-
mr. X
You are correct Mr X.
Another point that is being missed is that the effects of this "theory / method" no matter how disgusting in today's society, are still being felt.
The black family has been destroyed. The black woman is the strength of the family. The black man has been "broken". Black children grow up in chaos with many only receiving guidance from their mother. JUST AS WILLY LYNCH INTENDED!!
Sadly (and also as intended) this trend is now being sustained by black society. It will be up to black society to change this. It will start when black men step up to the plate and take back the responsibillities of being the head of the family.
Tom H
Sorry Mr. X,
You cannot put racial differences aside when they are still very relevant in society today. Also, Willie Lynch came up with this theory specifically for "nigger" slaves. It was meant for African "Americans", specifically. Although, this technique may very well work for other enslaved ethnic groups, the black community has been the most affected by the use of the theory. And are still being psychologically enslaved today. We have the highest divorce rates, unemployment rates, highest genocide rates and incarceration rates of our men and AIDS cases.
The theory was fully motivated by racial hatred and supremacy. And I agree with Mr. Williams that anyone who calls this man a genius for such hatred is as guilty as he is of racial hatred.
my opinion is that willie lynch is a scared ass punk, his action show that he knew that the black people are the superior race and that black people are stronger than willie lynch and his kind. yes it is a shame that he couldn't deal with his on short comeings, that he had to put so much pain and out right evil on the black race, to gain a sence of security. he was evil and he showed all black people how white people really and truely think about blacks and how they really feel about black people. I'm glad that he his dead in hell where the rest of them are going................
Real or contrived after the fact to make some sick point, I would not be surprised at all if they carried this into the boardrooms along with their copies of 5 Rings, Art of War and Pocket God preloaded on their iPads. We were the test. It kinda worked, and too many people stood by and let it happen. Now, swap the slave references with the word "employee" and master references with "CEO" and you will see how we got this sharecropper's economy for all.
When you saw the Matrix AFTER learning it was stolen from a Black woman, wasn't it a completely different movie? Notice how many Black folks were in Zion? We get to see the future, y'all! I see The Matrix as the corporate plantation/mainstream American/the government. I hope we can stop this crazy road to destruction while we unplug from the Matrix and get jacked into "reality". And I hope we can welcome many if they'd wake up and smell the cappuccino.
Clearly, the Republicans of the 60s and 70s have jumped ship and destroy the Democrats. The Greed Over People party has fallen off the right side of reality, trying to populate the country with a new batch of ignorant drones they can control. Hell, they haven't conserved a damned thing since FDR! Yeah, we need a new left before the 'Smiths' run this country into a Haitian economy! I'm sure you've noticed how desperate and ignorant they've been getting. I expect they'll be sprouting horns in 5, 4, 3......
You have the best response to this mess. people wake up!!!
You are correct that for all intentions that the black man still suffer the reprocussipn. But here is some food for thought. Willy lynch was not the first to use this method he was just the prick that voiced it. In school we learn about serfs. The were the slaves way back in the day. They were treated the same as the black slaves and sometimes worse because of the conditions of the time. The decendants of these slaves had to over come hoops. Fast forward a few centries and we have a young America trading black men and women as property. The difference between the two groups of slaves comes down to appearances. History is doomed to repeat itself. Fast forward to present day black men and women hold hatred ti whites for their ignorance of the abuse to their ancestors. Then we have ignorant whites that think they are better than everyone. My entire point people need to stop being angry at things they can not change and just try to do right by themselves
And you are a young angry individual that will probably read this and get angry. But at one point whites were slaves too. They called them serfs. For the most part they were treated the same as black slaves. In ancient rome they were made to fight till one or the other was dead. Women were often times raped. Oh and anirher point is the North faught to free slaves. Some just seen a way they could benefit from freeing them but the majority were white men and women thought it was morally wrong to treat people as they are less than them. There were even some in the south that beleived this but had no say in the matter. And my favorite argument. Up until the mid sixties women were treated like they were met to do nothing but look pretty. Since god mad mankind women have been opressed compared to the hundred or so blacks were. Women got beat and were expected to act like it didnt happen. They were married off like property with no say for property and money. Some got lucky just like not all blacks were slaves and not all of the slaves had horrible owners. Do yourself a favor and relise every single yellow, red, black, white, man, or woman have a reason to hate for something that had been done in history.
I have very recently been introduced to Mr. Lynch's teachings thru a black woman i am dating. I am a 57 year old white man and have a long way to go as i just begun my study not only of the man and his teachings but how racism is still so rampant today. Especially the anger i see in younger black women and black people calling each other niggers like it is cool and empowering, wow. Light skinned blacks believing themselves to be superior to darker skinned blacks WTF. As i believe all problems are spiritual in nature i will continue to comment as i learn more, i still believe in an intragrated world without hate and bigotry and would give my life for it.
I think people really need to examine the letter again, because race was an issue in the letter but the most important thing that I got out of it was the fact that lynch was explaining how to have generations of people continually working for 'the man'. pit people against each other, break them. You see, this is bigger than you can imagine, this started as a race issue, but turned into an economic issue. This was the very beginning of the process called a JOB. SLAVERY NEVER WENT AWAY. in a job you are segregated by title, by wages, by knowledge. pitted against each other all the while your managers are talking about teamwork, But the fact is, you will never be free if you have a job. Your employer is in control of where you live, where your kids go to school, what car you drive, when you have to be at work, when you can leave and so on because they control your pay. your employer 'the man' has total control of you and you don't even know it. The reason why is because for generations, our ancestors have been broken, to the point where we have been saying the same thing for generations; go to school, so you can get an education, so that you can get a good job! Our country was not founded on that principal, but the lynch idea was. Think about that the next time you clock in for work!
Life is spiritual, we have mortals and immortals. If you believe in God and his higher power, you will know that when color people begin too wake from this sleep that these cold hearted people put us in, that there is going too be a revolution. There is going too be a change in power, and in the way people act and treat one another. Immortals, are going too take their postion on earth, and rid out the mortals. Jesus was a man of color, those men who did him wrong where white, says alot for how these people are too suffer whrn he returns. He had hair like wool, skin the color of bronze, he was of color. Were taking everything that belongs too us, starting with our mind. Amen too my brother and sisters who strive everyday in love although they tried drowning us in hate, we too smart we building ships learning how too swim, glory & praise too the King of Kings Jesus Christ, we love wisdom, self discipline and obedience, these men made us strong mentally. Thank God for the struggle, here comes his blessings.
Eventhough slavery represent a downfall of humanity on skinless knees...i must addmit it takes devil-like cunning genius.. To come up with this.
I am a black female and Yes he was a genius! Bcuz it did last generations and years.I know we don't mean to raise our children that way and we didn't intend on switching roles but we have. We have to wake up.
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