Me Time
I chose the title for this blog after pondering life. You see people always talk about how life goes so quickly and to cherish it. One thing they forget to tell you is to you’re your time off as me time.
One day on the shuttle at Howard University my friend said something to me that in a way affected my life principles. He said “You know Geoff theirs one thing people forget about life… They always talk about their goals but never remember to have fun.” You see life is a serious thing but at the same time you will never live it again.
The very thing you are doing now will never be the same a second from now. My friend also compared life to a shuttle ride. We get on the shuttle worried about where were going but we never stop to look out the windows. You see those who stopped to think will always benefit.
The most influential men to ever live in this world have learned this. Although they were focused on change they remembered to be alert and pay attention to the things around them. So in ending this post I want you to remember that being goal oriented is fine but without fun you will tire yourself out. Find your balance or look out the window every once in a while it’s your choice.
-Geoffrey Allison
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