The Evaporation of Masculinity
We're in a sad situation in society today. Most men suppress their basic masculinity. In many cases men do not even know how to act in a masculine way. True masculinity, assertive, aggressive, disciplined and protective. These traits are lacking in far too many men. Most women want these traits in their men despite what they may say publicly.
Women want the warrior in a man. Now please understand what I'm saying. A woman does not want a man who fight all the time or abuse her. A woman wants a man who will fight to protect her and their family and who will have the character and principles to fight for what he believes in. Think about the warrior for a second. The true warrior is the person who has the ability to fight for his beliefs but will also have the ability to know when to fight...
...a man's inner masculinity starts with a man taking control over the one thing he is able to exercise 100 percent control over: HIMSELF. Far too many men are followers. They are part of the herd. Many "go along to get along" They refuse to step outside the box. They will take a stand that goes against the majority. The reason they do this is because of fear.
Going against the majority can bring pain, criticism, condemnation and ridicule. Most men will go against their own principles to avoid these consequences (change mine). The main issue with the Nice Guy is that they will suppress themselves just to be with the women of their desires. I have talked with both Nice Guys and the women who have been in relationships with them. Nice Guys generally put up with poor treatment just to be with the women. On the other side of the coin, women have complained about the passive nature of the Nice Guys. The Nice Guy is really operating out of fear, generally the fear that women will not respond to him if he is more assertive. The bad thing is that the average Nice Guy is not consciously aware of this. Fear is also a factor with the Masked Men. It is fear keeps the mask on. Masked Men fear that if women see past their status, their possessions and their money, they will be rejected.
To develop his inner masculine the man must first become a warrior and confront himself and who he has become. He must then take FULL responsibility for his life.
Adam was man who blamed everyone but himself for his problems. When he loses job he blames his employers. When women reject him, he calls them stupid and says that they can't handle a "strong man". He blames everyone for his problems, but he will not look in the one place he should to correct his issues: himself. The same energy he uses on the athletic field or in a bar room fight must be channeled to confronting his issues…
I strongly recommend for ALL men to take economic control of their life. Too many men are totally dependent on others for economic survival. Not to say that working for someone is bad but every single man should have some type of way to legally make money that he can control. For example, Ben is a man with a steady job working for a government agency. The job pays well with great benefits. Despite this, Ben has a side business doing home improvements. If anything were to happen with his government job he would still have something to fall back on…
"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him"
-Von. C
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