7 Steps to Success
1. Realize that you can do better then what you are doing now.
You should always be making moves, striving to do better then yesterday. NEVER stop changing, or diversifying yourself. always be striving for excellence
2. Remove yourself from the problem/person.
People stay in situations, or relationships because they feel that they can do any better then what they are doing now, but that is very far from the truth. in order to be better, you must remove yourself from the person, place, or thing that is hindering your success
3. Associate with LIKE MINDED people.
Too often we have friends, or associates who aren't on the same page as we are. That creates friction in our lives, we must learn to walk with like minded people, For the Christians on the board the bible even says so...
"How can two walk together except they agree!!!"
4. Always strive to be better.
Never settle for where you are at right now, you must have a mindset of i can do better then where i am now or you will end up in step 5
5. Don't fall into the comfort zone.
The comfort zone is our greatest enemy, because with comfort comes defeat. the quickest way to fail is to be comfortable in your current situation. So what if you are doing well, and? when people are comfortable the FEAR CHANGE, when you fear change you get complacent. always be un-comfortable!
6. Cut off dead branches.
How can a tree grow if its not pruned!!! the people, things in your life must go if they dont fall under step 3. In order to reach your full potential, dead branches have to go. Or you too may become a dead branch.
7. Its lonely at the top, but jam packed at the bottom.
People know this all too well, on your journey you will find that not everyone will walk with you to the top. Some will, others will walk but then quit, others will try to block your path. But to achieve true success you must internalize this very true statement.
-Von C.
Labels: Life Lessons, Manhood
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