Why not 5?
It has been a long time since I’ve sat down and written something for this blog. As I brained stormed of messages to spread one very important reoccurring theme began to replay over and over again in my head. Let me paint you a picture, imagine that you’re in a major that could get you anywhere from $30,000 to $65,000 dollars as a bottom level worker out of school. Your grades are above a 3.0 but there is something missing in your life. Extracurricular activity and I’m not talking about partying. I mean organizations, community service and activities that will keep you whole.
This picture I painted for you is one that affects many individuals both on college campuses and can alter entire lives. Many people have a hunger to be “the man” but forget the idea that school is your main focus. Many people say “time management” but have not fully learned how to master time or use it efficiently.
This in turn leads to a lot of 5th year seniors who wish they would have done something different on campus besides being active only in extracurricular. Many students do not mature as rapidly as others and in turn cannot be blamed solely for their misfortune. Others will argue that you are a grown man/woman so any decision you made is strictly your own and you must live with it.
I wrote this with the intent to motivate you to put school first. Even if you have the money to go to school for 10 years I’m sure your parents would rather spend it on something more constructive. The philosopher Albert Camus once said “Life is the sum of all your decisions.” When you decide to do anything in life make sure you weigh out who you are affecting and what you are affecting. Remember to put yourself first also, college is the time for YOU to worry about YOUR future. Be successful both on campus and after campus.
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