The Abundance Mindset
Abundance and prosperity is really all there is.
There’s no such thing as lack or shortage. In the mind of God, it does not exist. Look around you: abundance is ALL there is! If poverty, lack and shortage were real, then nature would reflect it. And it doesn’t. Yeah, we have the occasional drought or famine here and there; but those are rare occurrences and not the norm.
When you get a chance, go home and look at your lawn. Find some grass somewhere and observe what you see. Really look, and see individual blades of grass. Try to count how many blades of grass you see. I bet you can’t! If you cannot realistically count each blade of grass that makes up a patch of ground, then you can’t convince me that lack or shortage exists. If anything, nature is profuse, almost to the point of waste, with her lavish opulence. They say there’s enough fruit that falls from the trees in the forests, and rots on the ground, that if harvested could feed the entire population of the world.
I believe in an opulent Universe. I believe in a universe of superfluous abundance; wealth that’s truly unfathomable. There’s more than enough money out here for every man, woman and child to individually be billionaires. We are all born billionaires. No one is born truly poor. Our surroundings may demonstrate poverty; your environment may be filled with the apparent evidence of widespread lack. But that’s your environment; its not YOU. YOU are born wealthy; I don’t care what your surroundings may seem to say to the contrary. Inside of you are a wealth of ideas, thoughts, potential and abilities.
You just haven’t been taught to think of yourselves in this light. So you’ve been grinding away in poverty, struggling for your daily bread; aware that life should be better than this, but not knowing how to legally get yourself into that better position.
It starts in your mind, with your thoughts and beliefs. We are either trapped, or liberated by the use of our minds. Change your thinking, change your life. It’s really that simple. Your perspective has to change before you’ll be able to see the opportunities all around you that exist for you to come up. You must come to understand that the world does not exist to serve you; you exist to serve the world.
Your mindset has to change. Success happens when you are passionately engaged in serving the world, in the way that excites and energizes you the greatest, doing what you love to do. The fact that you were either born here or currently live in America is proof alone that you were intended to prosper. There’s no excuse for staying poor, when poverty only exists as a frame of mind. It’s a belief system, one based on a stingy, lack-filled universe. To stay poor when you can do better is an insult to your Creator.
People are poor because they have not yet discovered that the purpose of their lives is to serve others with their gifts and talents. They are stuck in a stingy, 'me first' mindset. The world is hostile towards you as long as you are selfish towards it. But the moment you begin to cooperate with the Universe, by being of a selfless, giving spirit, the world around you will reflect that giving attitude right back to you. It’s very metaphysical how this happens, but its very true: you can’t beat God giving!
Everyone has something that can be used to bless someone else. Without exception. You won’t know prosperity until you stop thinking about YOU, and start thinking about others. When you feel the needs of someone other than yourself, and focus on their needs and desires by using what you have that they don’t have, and serving it to them, then you will know prosperity.
It’s a simple formula:
You have a gift, a natural talent: maybe some life experiences or whatever…
There are many people all around you who would gladly pay for the knowledge, wisdom, talent and gift that you have…
Find who they are, and sell them your gift.
Whitney Houston did this,before her cracked out years, and made over a hundred million dollars! She optimized her gift through many years of practice, to get it near perfection. Then, she made it available to the public in the form of recorded music: tapes, records and cd’s. By selling (serving) her gift to an audience that wanted what she had, she gave us what we wanted (good music), and we gave her her reward (our appreciation and money).
Realize that there’s a market out there for what you have too. Everybody has something that somebody else wants or needs. See your gift as a business opportunity. Your passion is your prosperity. Get into the game of life, and really start living!
There’s no such thing as lack or shortage. In the mind of God, it does not exist. Look around you: abundance is ALL there is! If poverty, lack and shortage were real, then nature would reflect it. And it doesn’t. Yeah, we have the occasional drought or famine here and there; but those are rare occurrences and not the norm.
When you get a chance, go home and look at your lawn. Find some grass somewhere and observe what you see. Really look, and see individual blades of grass. Try to count how many blades of grass you see. I bet you can’t! If you cannot realistically count each blade of grass that makes up a patch of ground, then you can’t convince me that lack or shortage exists. If anything, nature is profuse, almost to the point of waste, with her lavish opulence. They say there’s enough fruit that falls from the trees in the forests, and rots on the ground, that if harvested could feed the entire population of the world.
I believe in an opulent Universe. I believe in a universe of superfluous abundance; wealth that’s truly unfathomable. There’s more than enough money out here for every man, woman and child to individually be billionaires. We are all born billionaires. No one is born truly poor. Our surroundings may demonstrate poverty; your environment may be filled with the apparent evidence of widespread lack. But that’s your environment; its not YOU. YOU are born wealthy; I don’t care what your surroundings may seem to say to the contrary. Inside of you are a wealth of ideas, thoughts, potential and abilities.
You just haven’t been taught to think of yourselves in this light. So you’ve been grinding away in poverty, struggling for your daily bread; aware that life should be better than this, but not knowing how to legally get yourself into that better position.
It starts in your mind, with your thoughts and beliefs. We are either trapped, or liberated by the use of our minds. Change your thinking, change your life. It’s really that simple. Your perspective has to change before you’ll be able to see the opportunities all around you that exist for you to come up. You must come to understand that the world does not exist to serve you; you exist to serve the world.
Your mindset has to change. Success happens when you are passionately engaged in serving the world, in the way that excites and energizes you the greatest, doing what you love to do. The fact that you were either born here or currently live in America is proof alone that you were intended to prosper. There’s no excuse for staying poor, when poverty only exists as a frame of mind. It’s a belief system, one based on a stingy, lack-filled universe. To stay poor when you can do better is an insult to your Creator.
People are poor because they have not yet discovered that the purpose of their lives is to serve others with their gifts and talents. They are stuck in a stingy, 'me first' mindset. The world is hostile towards you as long as you are selfish towards it. But the moment you begin to cooperate with the Universe, by being of a selfless, giving spirit, the world around you will reflect that giving attitude right back to you. It’s very metaphysical how this happens, but its very true: you can’t beat God giving!
Everyone has something that can be used to bless someone else. Without exception. You won’t know prosperity until you stop thinking about YOU, and start thinking about others. When you feel the needs of someone other than yourself, and focus on their needs and desires by using what you have that they don’t have, and serving it to them, then you will know prosperity.
It’s a simple formula:
You have a gift, a natural talent: maybe some life experiences or whatever…
There are many people all around you who would gladly pay for the knowledge, wisdom, talent and gift that you have…
Find who they are, and sell them your gift.
Whitney Houston did this,before her cracked out years, and made over a hundred million dollars! She optimized her gift through many years of practice, to get it near perfection. Then, she made it available to the public in the form of recorded music: tapes, records and cd’s. By selling (serving) her gift to an audience that wanted what she had, she gave us what we wanted (good music), and we gave her her reward (our appreciation and money).
Realize that there’s a market out there for what you have too. Everybody has something that somebody else wants or needs. See your gift as a business opportunity. Your passion is your prosperity. Get into the game of life, and really start living!
-Von C.
I can appreciate and understand where you are coming from. I share the same philosophy that lack doesn't exist except in our minds. We have to think and believe in abundance all the time because that's the truth.
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