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March 24, 2010

What Would You Do?

     What would you do? When you first read the question you start to ponder upon different situations. You’re probably thinking of different situations which I could probably be speaking about. Things such as relationships, sports, and overall life situations we lead you to ask the question to a friend “What would you do?” In most situations people would choose to do what was right or even what made them happy.
                A friend, supporter, and inspiring male by the name of Pendarvis sparked this question. On twitter @OGpenn tweeted “Sometimes you have to ask yourself: if u didn't have to worry about $, education, health, bills, ect...What would u do with your life?” This very question sparked a great debate in my mind and in turn speaks volumes on personal happiness. Upon hearing the question I asked many others “what would you do with your life?”
                The responses given varied some people said they would still go to school for the “love of knowledge”, while others said they would try something new every single day. I realized that one thing was common in all the responses that I received and that common factor was happiness. When each person answered they spoke upon how the thing they would choose to do would make them happy despite what others thought.
                Now I will ask you another question “Are you happy?” Most of us will answer this question yes because we as people do not like to show others our weakness, however, I will ask you again “Are you happy?” You see most of us choose to go to school only because we have to and our hearts are not into what we are doing. Many students in college have chosen majors only to make other people within their lives happy.
                In all honesty there is no way on earth that money, education, health, and bills will all disappear from our radar of importance. Regardless of this fact we must increase our self-happiness as people and individuals on earth. Although we are forced by society virtually to become successful or be nothing at all , we have to think of ourselves. On this earth although you have friends you must remember that no person or individual will make you happier than you can make yourself.
                Knowing that you are the only person that can make yourself completely happy, you must remember this one thing. Upon graduation from school or finishing your education or even in life period remember this; your happiness is all important. So to end this blog post I will ask you a new question “What would you do to make yourself happy?” Upon answering this question promise yourself that regardless of whom you choose to make happy in life that you will remember yourself. Neglecting personal happiness is a big problem within men and women today. In my own opinion it is the fastest way to cause personal depression. This being said at the end of the day remember that loving yourself is everything and loving everyone can sometimes mean nothing.