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February 10, 2010

You Have To Create Your Own World To Live In

Recently I've had a conversation with a wise older gentleman. here is what he shared with me.

"You have to create your own world to live in". He elaborated:

When a man meets a woman, the typical thing that most dudes do is, they leave their world and move over into HER world. They leave their lives, and become a part of HER life. But thats out of order. The woman is supposed to leave HER world and come be a part of yours...not the other way around.

Your job as a man is to create a 'world'...a life for yourself...thats centered around YOU; what you like to do, your goals and ambitions. When you meet a woman, she should be willing to forsake her world, and her life, to come join up with yours. Any woman not willing to do so is simply not worthy of you.

Most dudes do the total opposite. They meet a female, and all of a sudden, they can't hang out with the boys no more. They don't do any of the things they use to do before this chick came along. They leave their home and move in with the chick and her kids. What they basically do is tell the female: "You are superior to me, and I willingly submit myself and happiness to you."

And a woman, no matter how cooperative she may be at the moment, she'll eventually lose interest and attraction for a man who ceases to be a challenging man. Women are looking for a Leader. And leaders lead...they don't follow. Stop following these women, and going along with their program...their agenda. Set you own agenda, and never deviate from it.

The gentleman then gave me this quote to follow.

"Becoming a man doesn't mean reaching a certain age, it means reaching a certain state of mind."

Im just going to end it on this note, Men stop following, it is time to be leaders again. start showing desirable qualities. Have goals, be true to yourself, have standards and most importantly create a world for yourself that others(ladies) will want to be a part of.

                                                                                                                                       - Von C.