I thought I'd write a poem about her
Before I went to sleep
A poem about her
The one who cuts me deep
A poem about her
The one so beautiful,but impossible to reach
A poem about her
The one who makes me stumble with my speech
Or a poem about her
The one who makes me smile
Or a poem about her
The one always on speed dial
Or a poem about her
The one deep inside I would love
Too bad this poem is the closest
I will ever get her love
Too bad this poem about her
will never win me her hug
Too bad this poem about her
Will never fade away
And too bad this poem about her
Will never have its day
This is the first but not the last poem of the week... If you write poetry and would like it to seen... email it to us @ awakeningofman@gmail.com
Although you may not be aware of it it, even when you’re sleeping your brain continues to process and evaluate your ideas and thoughts. Throughout history, famous figures like Napoleon have stated that they focus on their problems just before they sleep, and tend to have an answer when they wake up.
As soon as I read about this, I instantly remembered how many times I had solved an issue of mine just minutes after waking up. The stresses of our daily routine can sometimes get in the way of our creativity, but if we focus on our thoughts, ideas, and insights minutes before bedtime, our subconscious mind will ponder it all while we rest.
Don’t Let Your Beliefs Limit You
I thoroughly believe that at times we stall on executing excellent ideas and solutions simply because we think they are too obvious or too easy. We think about it too much and convince ourselves that it’s silly or not worth it. At other times we doubt the fact that we are even capable of coming up with good ideas nobody else has thought of yet.
If you let your beliefs limit you
, like I almost did by telling myself that I was too young, then these beliefs will always hold you back. Realize that you are a unique person with the ability to create and conjure ideas that no human has had before you.
Read Relevant Books
Truth be told, I’ve never been a big reader… at least not until the last year or so. In the last 12 months I’ve probably read more books than I did during the previous 18 years of my life. So it’s no coincidence that I’m now coming up with more practical insights than I had in the past.
It’s been said that you can become very knowledgeable about something just by reading 3 quality books on the subject. Of course, it also helps if you concentrate on reading books that pertain to subjects you have an interest in. If you enjoy personal development, then two books I highly recommend are Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.
Remember, humans have been around for thousands of years. There’s lots of excellent information out there to digest.
Take and Review Notes
I think this is the most important habit of all. Think of a book or great article that you read in the last year. My guess is that you can remember some of the key points, but you’ve probably also completely forgotten numerous pages of useful information. Whenever I read a quality book, I either take notes at the time or go back through it and highlight my favorite points. I then review these points regularly until I have them ingrained in my mind.
This doesn’t apply to reading only. You’ll probably find that some of your best ideas come when you are doing something completely unrelated to the idea itself. In such cases, it’s wise to carry a small notebook or smart phone around with you so you can record your ideas on the go.
My Google Docs account is literally flooded with high quality notes from a number of my favorite authors and my own personal experiences. I tend to look through these notes when I need inspiration or just to refresh my memory.
Maintain an Open Mind to New Information
If you adopt the position that you know everything about a subject then you’ll obviously never come up with any new insights about it. Additionally, if you are too shortsighted to see that some of your current beliefs may be mistaken, then you are completely inhibiting your peronal growth potential.
Instead, be open-minded and realize that there will always be more for you to learn. Of course, you don’t have to accept every new piece of information that comes your way, but at least evaluate it properly before discarding it.
As a young boy I lived a false life, a life where I believed the world would treat me good. As I became older I began to realize that this world was not as nice as I had perceived it. At the age of 14 my eyes where opened to the good and the bad as my family began to pass away. It started with my aunt who was the backbone of the family. Next was my father who passed, but I tell you this to deliver a message.
Now before my father died he told me a few things but one of the greatest things that he told me was a quote which is somewhat cliche. He said "They can never take your education away". Now stop to think about that and all that this statement embodies.
He left this world in 2006 but he is still here with me for that simple line of motivation. Without that line I probably wouldn't be in college or even concerned with my mental abilities. You see I was on the wrong road and it took his death for me to realize this.
Now I am a Howard University Student and I still live by this quote. You see this whole week we have been snowed in but I always remember that regardless of us having no school knowledge is power. Regardless of what it is you know. An example of this is when you and your friends have a discussion in which you know the most information. Don't you feel somewhat powerful? My point in all this is to say regardless of what you feel is holding you back in life knowledge will always be the most powerful thing.
Recently I've had a conversation with a wise older gentleman. here is what he shared with me.
"You have to create your own world to live in". He elaborated:
When a man meets a woman, the typical thing that most dudes do is, they leave their world and move over into HER world. They leave their lives, and become a part of HER life. But thats out of order. The woman is supposed to leave HER world and come be a part of yours...not the other way around.
Your job as a man is to create a 'world'...a life for yourself...thats centered around YOU; what you like to do, your goals and ambitions. When you meet a woman, she should be willing to forsake her world, and her life, to come join up with yours. Any woman not willing to do so is simply not worthy of you.
Most dudes do the total opposite. They meet a female, and all of a sudden, they can't hang out with the boys no more. They don't do any of the things they use to do before this chick came along. They leave their home and move in with the chick and her kids. What they basically do is tell the female: "You are superior to me, and I willingly submit myself and happiness to you."
And a woman, no matter how cooperative she may be at the moment, she'll eventually lose interest and attraction for a man who ceases to be a challenging man. Women are looking for a Leader. And leaders lead...they don't follow. Stop following these women, and going along with their program...their agenda. Set you own agenda, and never deviate from it.
The gentleman then gave me this quote to follow.
"Becoming a man doesn't mean reaching a certain age, it means reaching a certain state of mind."
Im just going to end it on this note, Men stop following, it is time to be leaders again. start showing desirable qualities. Have goals, be true to yourself, have standards and most importantly create a world for yourself that others(ladies) will want to be a part of.
I've found that for a lot of people (including me), at times their PU (pickup) game is tight. But their relationship management skills suck bigtime. This article by Frank B Kermit (from the montreal lair) helps address womens emotional needs and makes hooking relationships that much easier.
Frank has several books on lulu.com and the one where he speaks about addressing womens emotional needs (there are 10 of them) 'Everything out of her mouth is a test' is the pick of the bunch. An excellent matrix-aware treatise on relationship management.
How and Why Women Test Men and About What...
Here it is: My Frank B Kermit Philosophy on Men, Women and Relationships and the definition of a test.
A TEST: is when a woman says or does something, specifically to evoke a reaction out of a man, whether verbal or action based. It is a SUB-CONSCIOUS mechanism that a woman uses to find out about what kind of man she is dealing with. It is the predictor and basis for all sexual attraction and love she will have for a man. Every test is designed to make her feel special (your lover) when a man passes it, or makes her feel un-special (thus turns her into your mother) if you fail it.
At least, that is how I see it.
During the process of my development, I went searching for one or two unifying themes to apply as a rule when I attempted to analyze relationships between men and women.
I came up with the following:
The Frank B Kermit theory:
1-Everything out of her mouth is a test (even when it is not, treat it as so anyways)
2-A woman can only fit into 1 OF 2 roles in any mans life. Mother or Lover.
3-She constantly tests you to see what role she should follow
4-Within each test is an emotional need being communicated
5-If you address the emotional need, you pass the test, she feels attracted to you, she gets to be your lover and you have sex
6-If you do not address the emotional need, you fail the test, she loses attraction to you, she is forced to assume the role of your mother and you do not get sex
and the final part to this:
7-A women always tests because her instinct to mother is stronger than her instincts for sex
I have identified 10 emotional-need categories, but for the purposes of this book, I will only list the category names here, and not a lengthy description of each.
The 10 Emotional Needs of a Woman
1-The protection of her most valuable asset: Her Reputation
2-Women want to FEEEEL a range of emotions. Do not try to make her happy, give her a full range from fury to ecstasy. This is a.k.a. her Drama Cookie
3-Cater to the little girl in her. Know the difference when to ignore her ramblings and when she needs you to give her a hug. Sometimes she just needs to be reassured like a little kid
4-Be dominant and take responsibility for leading the relationship. This includes making all the decisions, and taking 100% responsibility for the sex in the relationship. It all has to be the mans fault
5-She fears abandonment. This is part biological programming, as in the event she is left with a child, she needs to be sure that she will not be abandoned, and left alone to care for it. This covers her emotional need to feel secure.
6-Trust. The key here is if she can trust you to be honest with her; even if you know she will not like what you have to say. In a womans reality, she is used to people lying to her ALL THE TIME because of the way she looks, or they simply want something from her. If you are willing to piss her off with your honesty, you have demonstrated that she can trust you.
7-Her physical safety. A man must demonstrate that he is capable of protecting her physically from the threats of the outside world. This is to make her feel safe.
8-Women need to know you can handle her TRUE sexuality. She will only be as wonton with you as you demonstrate that you can handle it. She needs to explore her sexuality and let it be free with you as a Natural Woman.
9-Prove that you are desirable as mate.
10-Prove that you are not a homosexual. She knows every homosexual male friend she has that is not out of the closet yet. Could you be one too?
Regardless of what she tests you with, if you can spot one of these ten emotional needs in-between her words and you address that need by your communication and actions, you will pass the test, and she will by default feel attraction for you, and desire to be your lover.
I think what happens in most relationships is that a man attracts a woman as his lover, and over time, she becomes more like his mother to him, thus sacrificing her attraction to him. In my unscientific-based opinion, that is when the relationship starts to die.
As of today, these are scheduled for a retro release come May 7th, 2010. For now, these pictures, and know that we’ll update you with any developing news regarding release information.
Valentines Day is coming up and I've noticed that many women are pressuring men into relationships or V-day dinner dates with them so they can get lots of attention or feel loved on this special super romantic day
To quote actor Ashton Kutcher:
““I hate Valentine’s Day. I think every day should be a day of romance”
I gotta admit, I almost fell victim until I saw a Valentine’s Day countdown on ESPN. This was the last straw, why must we submit to some consumer based holiday?
If you have watched any NBA game on any ESPN affiliated networks, you have noticed the increase in commercial for different jewelry companies such as Kay, Jared and JcPenny. It’s almost like they are pressuring men to buy “gifts” for no apparent reason at all.
This quote by Armand Salacrou sounds like he is describing Valentine's Day
““Economy is a way of spending money without getting any pleasure out of it”
Fellas if you are only shown love/respect on valentine's day, then it is time to leave point blank period. Not only as a man, but as a person you should always demand respect. without respect you don't have anything. the same applies to ladies, if your man only shows you love on 3 days out of the year, why are you still with that person?
To me V-day is not a special day anymore. I feel no need to follow the trend of buying flowers, candy and/or waiting in long lines at a restaurant for a romantic dinner.
Before running out to the store and buying those roses, build-a-bears, and other “sweet” things, ask yourself these questions “why am i doing this”, “what will this truly accomplish” and “does the girl truly deserve this”.
If you truthfully answer all of these questions you will come to the realization that you can A. spend your money more wisely, refocus on the task at hand (education or improvement of one’s self) and will allow a man to reevaluate the woman or their relationship with the woman.
It’s good to show appreciation to those who are important to you, but you shouldn’t focus your appreciation during just one day.
I guarantee that you can find better uses for your money. For example, why don’t you just donate to Hati
If you are going to buy a girl a Valentine’s Day present please have a limit for spending. For example, if you have only known the girl for five months or less please don’t go over $10 dollars, especially if you are not in a relationship.
If you take the young lady out to a restaurant, there is a $50 limit. Anything higher enters Trick’n territory and Halloween has already passed.
One last point i would like to leave all the young men with:
Why is it that you never see any commercials where a woman is purchasing a valentines day gift for a man?
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”- Howard Thurman
For those who do not know. Their is currently almost 18 inches of snow on the ground. Well to get to the point of this blog post,let me explain. So as I awoke and went to brush my teeth I looked out the window. It looked beautiful but the way I interpreted it was so much more than the average eye would see. What I saw was a desolate land but to go even deeper I interpreted it as people being held back by minor things such as snow. Then I realized everyone has some type of snow in their life. No one was walking outside and everything here was closed down. I thought of previous civilizations who lived through these conditions and continued to thrive regardless of the snow.
You see as a generation we have learned to accept the snow and life. Instead of conquering it we let it hold us back. Perhaps you failed a test or someone has died in your family. Why shut down your life? People are becoming accustomed to not doing anything and justifying it with reasons that are in all honesty just excuses.
Today on campus the cafe is closed as well as most of the buildings. You see I look at it this way. If our society is so "advanced" and the future then why don't we work towards that? We shutdown for snow and rain instead of working with what we have. To be honest we could of easily worked to clear some of the snow up but instead we'd rather let the snow rule our lives.
I'll end this post by saying this "If we are so progressive and of a new age then I believe we start to act like it". Your life will be a waste if you let the snow get in your way. Do you want to be shut down by a little blizzard?
Once upon a time as males we would embrace eachother. Pick eachother up when we were down, but now things have changed. Times have also changed. For those who do not read the bible or are not followers on a christ related religion Cain had a brother name Abel whom he murder over jealousy. Based on christian religion this is the first recorded murder. So you can say that the first "snake" was Cain.
In these current times it seems like most brothers have lost sight of brotherhood. We always say "I have your back" but is this really true? The things that take place on a day to day basis are these really acts of brotherhood? Is brotherhood a codename for betrayal?
Many acts of false brotherhood are beginning to take place. Power hungry individuals lose sight of their brotherhood values. It is okay to fight your brother,however, wouldn't you much rather fight for your brother?These are just a few questions for your mind to ponder on. I believe a brotherhood segment will be started on this blog