Four types of Women-The makeup of a woman
1. The wife type (Claire Huxtable): This type is rare. She tends to be somewhat shy, is not boy crazy and has a maternal quality about her that children and men find endearing. She is kind and courteous. She is compassionate and empathetic at an early age. She is not inclined to make fun of boys and will not hurt their feelings. She is upbeat and friendly and often gets hit on because she will smile and return a strangers respectful greeting. At a dance or party she will dance with most males who ask her just to be kind. She is modest and does not dress provocatively. She is not attracted to thugs, bums, fools and rogues and the idea of sleeping with an assortment of men is repulsive and revolting to her. She dreams of being with one man and that man would be her husband. This lady does not last long in the public domain of the single. She has no idea of what a “man shortage” is. She marries the best of the many good men who pursue her.
2. The spinster type (Condoleeza Rice): This type is less common. She is awkward and repressed. She exudes a cold and unapproachable aura and has zero sensuality. She doesn’t like to be touched and is uncomfortable with displays of affection. She dresses for function—not attraction. She may be seen as an aloof sort and would rather stay at home than socialize. She usually has one job and does it well. She will hold onto it for life if she can. She knows she must fend for herself and has reconciled within herself that she will be alone. She understands that she will never marry or come under the care and protection of a man. She has few close friends but may have a houseful of animals as she is more comfortable with critters than people. She will probably die alone in an institution or at home.
3. The mistress type (Halle Berry): This type is most common. The mistress represents the great majority of females in our society. She is the typical ankle. She is not averse to hanging out in clubs and it is not difficult to get her into bed if she thinks she likes you. She likes to be out in the streets and has no problem with serial dating or, on occasion, she may juggle date and sleep with more than one man at a time. She usually is needy and as such constantly finds herself exercising poor judgment choosing men. She lacks the kind of inner cohesion and consistency of character required of a wife. If she marries, she will not be successful as a wife and will sooner or later cheat on her spouse. Her dysfunction disables her ability to love a decent man. She subconsciously knows that she is an inadequate woman and as such chooses to mate and breed with inferior men.
4. The prostitute type (Madonna): This type was rare but is becoming more common in today’s ankle world. She is precocious, and was so, even as a little girl. She is bold and brash and easily bored, even with her own company. She has little problem going home from a bar with a strange man. She can be the sexual aggressor—and often is. She is the typical “crazy bitch” that gives “good coochie.” And she has learned to use its power to her advantage. Men tend to like her because she is sexually easy, is uninhibited and knows how to flatter a man’s ego. She doesn’t have a difficult time persuading men to buy things for her and pay a few bills. She can be cold and callous and can detach herself emotionally from a man in an instant when she is done with him. She can fall into maniacal fits of public and private rage if she doesn’t get her way, or she may freak-out for no reason at all. She is a sexual mercenary and probably a narcissist.
There may be some overlap among the above archetypes. The task for any good man who seeks a wife is to learn to discern the wife over the other archetypes, particularly the mistress as she can sometimes masquerade as the wife type, though she can’t do it indefinitely. Her hidden dysfunctions will assert themselves when she is under stress. Look for the mistresses red flags because she represents the overwhelming majority of ankles. The spinster is more easily identified as the one with zero sex appeal. The prostitute can be very hard to resist but not hard to spot. Married and engaged men would do well to not be alone with her. Remember the sluttish cousin who seduced Teri’s (Vanessa Williams) husband (Michael Beach) in Soul Food the movie?
Be like a prospector panning for gold. Know that you may have to sift through much gravel before you find your treasure. Enlarge your field of operation. Stake your mining claim on the world and don’t limit your wife prospecting to a few small streams. You will want your wife at your side when the coming disaster strikes. It will be the remnant of good men and good women who will seed the resurrection of the new world. Christians will call the new world the New Jerusalem. Choose your belief. I have. The world will change.
Be advised—the current frenzy of day to day living is not going to gradually fade out. The end will come in the blink of an eye; most will not be prepared. When our hollow society has passed its tipping point, things will collapse quickly. When the oil stops flowing and the lights go out for good, know the end has come. When the spigots stop flowing and the heat grows forever cold, know that the end has come. When the stores run bare and there is no food anywhere, know that the end has come. The dead will feast on the living. Women and children not under the protection of strong and stout men will be consumed in a fiery feast. Know that we are in the 11th hour and the 59th minute. Midnight is almost upon us. Who knows when that last second will give up its ghost?
Ladies & Gentlemen please discuss
First off, the attempt to essentialize women into four categories, as though all will quite simply, and perfectly, fit into a particular box, is not only contemptible but also primitive contextually. I am by no means a feminist, however I will speak out when I find something to be a wholly untrue. Furthermore, I do hope that this article was in no way intended to represent an intellectual perspective on "types" of women. It has no factual findings, no statistical research basis nor does it bare any knowledge worth realistically retaining. As a footnote, claiming that there might very well be an overlap in archetypes of females is a cop-out leading the reader to believe that more or less...even if a female demonstrates to be not one of the four categories, that more or less she will simply be placed in the one in which she most "fits". I find this unacceptable and also similar to the problem of race in America....everyone always has to be placed in a box; leading me to my second point.
My second point is that classification and attempts to essentialize are the roots of the world's largest problems. Gender, sex, race and religion are all examples of how categorization leads to separation which leads to discrimination and ultimately predjudice and or hate. This article, which clearly classifies, in my opinion, is simply a set back for not only women but also men. Given the current state of marriages today, well over 48% ending in divorce, I would say that this article is in some ways is a perpetuation of the exact mentality that plagues society at this time, especially in certain ethnic communities. Women have worked hard to advance their place in society. They have worked equally as hard to not be viewed as inferior to their male counterpart. Additionally so, women are so diverse, so different. They all have different experiences, different expectations, different ways to love, different ways they want to be loved, different parenting styles, different fashion styles, different hobbies, and interests, and this list could go on and on and on.
I say take into consideration the modern woman. Give her more credit. She is quite multifaceted, and most importantly unique. Given the fact that no woman....none, not one, share the same experience, the same cultural upbringing..etc equates to the fact that in actuality not one is alike. They may share similar qualities....but are never the same, like a fingerprint women are all different. ... See More... See More...
nd Jesus never judged the prostitutes the article speaks of...he treated them with just as much respect as anyone else. So, if the article intends to use religion in the name of finding a good 'mate"....well it should be more accepting.
In fact to paraphrase the bible if I may (take caution for i am no Nathan Price) but I do believe it is said that the last shall be first, and considering the nature of this heinous article Madonna or Halle Berry would be last, that in all actuality makes them first, reversing this theory and turning it into an unpredicted positive. Now i would like the author of this truly mentally inept article to correct me upon the judgment that what i declare is false....i didnt think so...
The modern woman deserves credit, but is she truly happy?
is it worth sacrificing a Good man for a great job?
true happiness comes in the form finding your mate/partner
I can tell this article was written with a bit of satire, but this one quote speaks volumes of truth
"Be like a prospector panning for gold. Know that you may have to sift through much gravel before you find your treasure. Enlarge your field of operation. Stake your mining claim on the world and don’t limit your wife prospecting to a few small streams"
The quote above is so true, hear me out men of today you must not just not limit yourselves to your hometowns and surrounding communities, you must travel!
See the world, travel to Europe or South America, women treat their men entirely different over there
Again never settle
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