Read This Post

May 9, 2010

Dear Mom...

Dear Mama,       
I contemplated what to get you
I thought about clothes but I remembered
Nothing in life can describe, let alone fit you
Then came electronics, for these you have a fondness
However little did you know your brain is far beyond this
You see you know things computers don’t
And tell me things the world wont

So what was left was this
A poem
Something less affordable
But never the less a gift
Something to conjure up thought in your mind
Because as I become man I realize
Material things pass with time

Knowledge, the greatest gift you gave me
Something for which there is no repayment
You freed my mind from the world’s enslavement
While keeping us off the pavement
So I work hard daily
Like you did for your baby
Cause I probably wouldn’t carry you for 9 months
That’s crazy
Just know I appreciate it
Because I could have been in a garbage can
Cut up, hung from a ceiling fan
So since I’m not let’s leave the world astounded
Just know I have the key to success
Yes I found it, It’s you mom
So I’ll use old school slang and say
“you’re the bomb”

Thank you mom
Because the present you gave me is life long
So I write this hoping you’ll remember it
Keep it bye your bedside
And I’ll work hard
Immigrant state of mind
Because this dream you started
I’ll finish it
And one day I’ll look over and say
Mama we made it
Dead or alive

Geoffrey Allison-
P.S. I love you mom even though we may not say it often